The Holiest of Holies-
(by Joanne) We were skeptical whether or not the hype can match the occasion. Ulysse, our guide, reminds of of Floyd Fairweather. Ulysse possessed an encyclopedic mind, as well as great passion and devotion to the art contained within the five miles of corridors. The most memorable for me were the tapestries designed by Raphael, The Renaissance ceiling next to the baroque busy ceiling, the early Roman statues, and of course, the highlight of my life was viewing the Sistine Chapel. and the Pieta! Michelangelo, like no other, brings me to my knees. It is more than one can behold, uncontainable, supernatural!I All this striving and magnificent art in honor of the glory of God by the Catholic Church is a marriage between spiritual forces and the concrete embodiment of Holiness. This energy spent in glorifying God is entwined with our humanness, our greed, our envy; but our sinfulness is, at the moment you look up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, overshadowed by the result of this sacrifice. Praise be to God!!!!!!!!!!!
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