Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saint Paul's looks as it did in 995AD it was completed. Constantine commissioned it to be built. He had St. Paul's bones brought to this church from a site two miles away. It is the second largest basilica in Rome, second only to St Peter's. There is a box. at the foot of an elaborate staircase below ground level in the center of the church that is said to contain St Paul's remains in this church. There is a chain across it, symbolizing St Paul's time in prison. There were people kneeling in front of it. I was not moved by that. People kneel only before Christ, right? St Paul's Outisde the Walls is part of the Vatican, though outside Vatican City itself. This church is called the "Popes' Church" and there are mosaic portraits of all 265 popes in a frieze above the colonnades. It was destroyed by fire, but rebuilt in 1928.

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