Friday, January 21, 2011

Billboard Missing

The history behind the Duomo is very wonderful, though when I consult even a basic guide book for spellings etc, I see dozens of immortal things we have not seen. Within a stone’s thow across the street from this cathedral is Donatello's David and Michelangelo's unfinished Pieta. This small museum's entrance has a small plaque above a door with museum hours. It does not mention the marvelous contents inside. We make our was to this museum when we read about it in the guide book, only to realize this museum closed at 1:00. Darn. This Michelangelo’s Pieta’ has a masculine figure or Joseph, perhaps portraying Michelangelo himself. FYI, if you ever make it to this place, the museum is called The Museum of the Opera Del Duomo.

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