The whole city, this night, in a mist that grows thicker as we make our way by gondola with an accordion player and a tenor and a gondolier with the customary stripped shirt, directly out of central casting, to St Mark's Square. Saint Mark's Church on this site, from the 700s, was consecrated in 1096 and continuously decorated for 350 years. We will be blest with a tour of this beautiful and very amazing church in the morning.
To the left, as you face the church, is a famous clock with the zodiac signs surrounding Roman numbers, 1-24. Two bronze figures, it is said, strike the bells at the top of the tower, though we did not see them actually move. There is a brick bell tower, 300 feet high. It fell down in 1902 but was immediately rebuilt by a miracle of the Virgin (no, only kidding).
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