Friday, January 21, 2011

What Does It All Mean?

How do we justify the expense of coming to Italy for Art? In what sense are we better for having seen these marvels? Better than what? There will plenty of people ready to call me "sick" for even raising such questions.

"For God's sake, George, can't you for once just enjoy yourself?"

Yes, but what if I enjoy raising the questions? What if the years I tried to not raise them and just enjoy life were the most miserable of my existence?

Epicurianism is legitimate. I cannot will away my speculative machinery. I cannot escape shaping or trying to shape my experience into some coherent whole.

And therefore, I do think and I conclude that one higher purpose of a trip like this is to honor the blessing of my 30 years of marriage to Joanne. This is an anniversary trip, a chance to celebrate our life together, to pay a kind of tribute to whatever forces brought us together, to recognize that gift in some way and say thanks for it.

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