Friday, January 28, 2011

Effect Of The Drenching

Aside from our personal discomfort, the drenching rain shorted out our guides microphone so we were without her guidance for much of our tour. In addition, after Leonardo, we asked her to call us a taxi, as the thought of walking even one more block was beyond us. Even her i-phone did not work in this down pour, and when she finally got through to a cab company, it was busy, busy, busy. Guess why. Everyone in Milano was seeking a cab. So she sent us towards to a cab stand about 5 blocks away. We stood in the freezing torrent for another ten minutes until, THANKS BE TO GOD a taxi pulled up and we piled in for a very harrowing fourteen Euro ride to the train station, where we hopped on a train headed in the opposite direction. We actually jumped on a wrong train twice. After several angels helped us find the right train, we were then VERY uncertain about when to get off the train, which could have theoretically place us in a dark ally in the cold rain with no phone and no way to ask for help. In a word, panic or (sundowners)! But not life threatening, like walking in Rome without sidewalks and thousands of cars flashing by at 60 mph. Thankfully many kind people (angels) helped us along the way and we did to get off at the right stop. Otherwise, we still might be riding this train.

The three hour walking tour (actually 31/2 hours) was a torture. But we would not trade comfort for this experience. We did see the Duomo and da Vinci's "last Supper". That was the point.

After getting off the train we had another half a mile to walk to our B and B. Here is one minor warning. Bring two pairs of shoes. We each brought one, to save space. We traveled as lite as possible, with only one modest sized suit case each and a carry on. Three blocks from the B and B, Joanne's shoe strap broke and she spent the next day and a half until she reached Minot, limping along, trying to keep from losing the rest of the shoe.

We have never been so delighted to reach our lodging in our life. We then had a fabulous wood fired calzone and margarita pizza (the best in town we were told) and wonderful Italian wine. Then we went to bed until 4 AM. George was still sick, but life is not without its risks.

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